What's on at Teviothead Hall this month

Coronation Bunting

Activities this month:

Tuesday 2nd May - SWI Monthly meeting

Hands on Floral Art in the hall at 7pm with Nicky Watson - learn how to make a Corsage / Boutonniere

Sunday 7th May - Coronation activities

Coronation Service at Teviothead Parish Church for King Charles III @ 9.30am

Cream Teas in the Hall to celebrate the Coronation between 2 & 4pm

Tuesday 23rd May - Teviot & Borthwick Red Squirrel Network 

Meeting in the hall at 7pm

Saturday 27th May - Home bakes at Alderlybar Cottage for Mosspaul Rideout

Refreshments for riders and walkers.  The charity benefiting this year is the Lavender Touch

Sunday 28th May - Craft Fayre in hall

11-4pm.  Teas and homebakes will also be available, raising funds for the Church


100 Club winners - May draw

  • £30 - Brian Steel
  • £20 - Vera Amos
  • £10 - Ian Scott


Chairman's comments

Well spring has finally arrived and with it comes the annual spring clean at the Hall and many thanks to the committee members and volunteers for their hard work in cleaning and tidying up.  There are still a few things to do but it will set up up for the year ahead.

We continue to make progress with the dedicated Wi-Fi set up and this should be fully operational in the next few weeks along with the newly mounted projector linked to the sound system.

I am very pleased to announce that the Teviothead Village Hall website is up and running and although it is still in its infancy will provide a useful resource for all users of the Hall.  Not only will the website have a calendar of events but information on courses and classes run at the Hall, photos of events, contact details, how to find us but also links to the Hall Facebook page, Community Council, The Rural and Teviothead Church.  There is still a long way to go as the committee gets to grips with this new technology!

We have lots of plans for the website and i will endeavour to keep you informed as we make progress.  The website can be found at Teviotheadhall.org with our own dedicated email contact info.teviotheadhall@gmail.com.

Steve Watson (Chair Village Hall Committee)