What's on at Teviothead Hall

 Doddie Aid

Activities coming up :

Friday 23 February - Supper in the hall in aid of Doddieaid

6 for 6.30pm

Tuesday 27th February - Teviothead Show AGM


Saturday 2nd March - Other Roads Concert

7.30pm.  Tickets £10, BYOB.  Supper will be provided

Sunday 3rd March - Service Teviothead Church

9.30 - tea and coffee afterwards

Tuesday 5th March - SWI monthly meeting

7pm.  Presentation by Sue Briggs of the General Store, Selkirk

Sunday 17th March - Service Teviothead Church

9.30 - tea and coffee afterwards

Tuesday 26th March - Teviothead Hall AGM

7pm - all welcome to attend

Sunday 31st March - Service Teviothead Church & Communion

9.30 - tea and coffee afterwards

Other news

100 Club

Dues for the 100 Club are now due for 2024.  Cost is £12 a year and new members welcome.  Draws are quarterly with prizes of: 

    • £30, £20 and £10 (May, August, & February), and 
    • £100, £50, £20 and £10 (November Christmas draw)

Online newsletter

In 2024 we will be expanding our online presence, launching an online newsletter to provide information and updates about forthcoming events in addition to our Facebook page.  To sign up for the newsletter go to https://teviotheadhall.org/news-letter-sign-up/ and sign up there.