What's on at Teviothead Hall

Activities coming up:

Saturday 16th September - Teviothead Show

Flanash Farm, Teviothead

Tuesday 3rd October - SWI Monthly meeting

7pm Neal's Yard with Pat Douglas & Julia Templeman

Saturday 7th October - Rugby Night

Doors open 7pm BYOB with pies at half time (names to Nicky please 07787 521 523)

Cost £5

Sunday 15th October - Harvest Thanksgiving Service, Teviothead Parish Church

Lunch in hall 12.30 for 12.45 (names to Caroline please 07521 500 690)

Service at 2pm in church

Friday 20th October - Pudding Club in aid of Church funds

7pm in hall (names to Caroline please 07521 500 690)

Tuesday 7th November - SWI Monthly meeting

7pm Gillian Elliot from Burnfoot of Ewes

Thursday 16th November - Christmas Crafts with Jacqui Thompson

Names to Nicky please 07787 521 523, cost TBA

Saturday 25th November - Race Night

7.30pm, BYOB, light supper provided (names to Caroline 07521 500 690 or Nicky 07787 521 523 please)

Prize for best dressed race goer

Cost £5

Saturday 16th December - Film "Night"

Showing "Elf" 3pm for 3.30pm start

Xmas gift for children, admission free


100 Club winners - May draw

  • £30 - Sally Martin
  • £20 - Jannette Jolly
  • £10 - Muriel Baptie

100 Club winners - August draw

  • £30 - Bob & Gill Francombe
  • £20 - Julia Templeman
  • £10 - Caitlin Cakebread


Interested in crafting?

If you are interested in participating in a Christmas wreath making class contact Liz (07748 697687) by 15th October

We also have a weaving/craft group that meets for crafting / chat / cuppa - for more details contact Pat (teviotheadhall@hotmail.com) 


Chairman's comments

By the time you read this, autumn may well be upon us and as the nights draw in so the Committee have been hard at work putting together a fantastic program of events and activities to take us up to Christmas and into the New Year.  Further details will appear nearer the time, via the Newsletter, Facebook and the website at teviotheadhall.org and we look forward to seeing you at some of all of these events.

Behind the scenes we are working on ways to be more energy efficient, improving the existing facilities, also developing the website further and improving how we can keep you up to date with what's going on.  We hope that the list of events has something for everyone but if you have any further ideas please pass these onto the Committee.

Steve Watson (Chair, Village Hall Committee)